Methinks it is like a weasel!

This is some output from a recreation of the METHINKS IT IS LIKE A WEASEL thought experiment described in the blind watchmaker by Richard Dawkins. Its a hisotgram of 1000 repeats of the program and presents the number of solutions tried before reaching the phrase after starting at a random point.
At first the program wouldn't work and would only produce the correct phrase after I artificially allowed it keep a letter if it was correct, this was incorrect.
Luckily i got it working properly, each generation generates 10 solutions based on the two best from the last generation. These are then mutated and the best two breed. Evolution is much cooler than intelligent design. Whats exciting about an intelligent entity being able to generate a shakespearean phrase? However a computer program written by a student on a rubbish home computer that doesn't have any idea what its doing can reach the same phrase employing just two basic rules, you pass on your genes and you are more likely to pass these on the better you are. Sorted respect due.